I saw this today on the Austechwriters newsgroup and I think its a valid
question. But is it really a matter of font management? Can somebody
nutshell the TECHNICAL reason for the MAC superiority? I know why I use
one, but sometimes find it hard to explain when the computese gets spoken.
Eyes glaze over, information finds a pathway from one ear to the other....

here's the quote:

"I was having a discussion the other day with a colleague who mentioned that
his magazine's art department just went completely Windows - taking
Macintosh out of the equation. He said that there was now nothing Mac could
do that Windows couldn't do as well (I expected as much from someone who
works for a PC magazine, after all...). A brief debate followed, and I found
myself unable to explain why most graphic designers still prefer Macs for
high end work. 

Without getting into the whole Mac vs Windoze (vs Linux etc.) debate, I was
wondering whether there still is a good reason why most graphic designers
and print houses still prefer Macs? Michael's email touches on the whole
print/postscript issue, but are there any other reasons?


Measure the output from something like Word to a printer (the physical
device - not the software driver or the person) sometime from the ascender
(top of a "d") to the descender (bottom of a "p") and you will notice that
the Microsloth WinDoze "TrueType" simply isn't! It almost always gets it
wrong, except for the 72 point size that any fool can (and does) measure
against an inch. That's 0.35277 mm (25.4mm divided by 72) to the point,
so a 12 point fount SHOULD measure 4.23 mm but, depending upon the print
driver, Word gets it wrong (usually significantly smaller) except to an
even resolution Oki 24 pin dot matrix. Weird! THAT is why you cannot
desktop publish properly with WinDoze. The TrueType fonts only give an
approximation that is designed to look nice and bold at 72dpi on screen but
comes out bearing no resemblance to the advertised type weights and sizes
on paper.

Print and measure. Print and measure. Trial and error is the only way to
get it right from WinDoze.

The Apple Mac, however, with its PostScript display AND output is a
completely different story.

So under WinDoze, it doesn't matter if you are using Quark (Gates help you)
or FrameMaker or Word. It all comes out as crap unless you go through
Adobe Acrobat first, which somehow gets the fonts closer to what they
should have been in the first place. Yes, it is all completely academic if
you are using TrueType fonts, trying to output from a 72dpi bitmapped world
to a 1200dpi PostScript output device. It all just becomes a bad joke
unless you are using a Mac or something like a HPView UNIX box that (I
believe) has PostScript display and output."


And I'd add as a P.S That I have to deal with numerous embedded Microsloth
files and very frequently, things go pear shaped at final stages of
printing. So these days I ask for TEXT ONLY files (cries of what's that?)
and separate JPEGs etc.

Dr Bill Parker
Technical writing and editing in energy and resources.
Box 322 Mt Lawley WA 6929
08 9371 6373 0403 583 676