Ok, lets just do the maths on that.

We'll do it first in US dollars, because the number is one that has been

        A song costs $US 0.99
        A CD contains ~ 17 tracks, or $US 16.83
        The current exchange rate is ~ 0.60

        Thus a CD worth of songs costs: $AUD 28.05

well at face value (other factors ignored for now) I'd consider this
quite good value.... I think we can all put our hands up and say
we've all purchased CD's for, say $30, and found that there was only
one or two songs on it we liked.
As a music fanatic and ex DJ I have about 2000 CD's of which
probably only a 20 or so get the "all tracks are
great" rating.

For me this is great news, because I often need just one track off a CD for a particular segment or promo and if I don't have it in the current collection, I have to substitute something else, which often doesn't work as well and takes a lot longer to find. MUCH better to be able to jump online, do a quick search, download the track, pay my fee and continue working. Onya Apple!

(And yes, I have copyright covered, thanks :))