Meanwhile WAMUGers,

back in iinet adsl-land - "where plasticine flowers eat marshmallow pies"

After trying every possible mtu rate that iinet tech support could think of
I was informed that they really don't know what to do about it. Apparently,
"the fault is with telstra and may take up to 3 months to fix properly if
you can be patient" and, interestingly, when I suggested going to another
ISP: "Oh, you won't get this problem with other ISP's Sir!" (I don't think
he was supposed to say that!!!!!)

Excuse paraphrasing for brevity (the actual conversation was about an hour):

Me: So you're saying it'll be another few months maybe before this works

iinet: yes, Sir, but we're working on a band-aid style fix which should be
ready in a couple of weeks...

Me: So I just use my dial-up until you've got it figured?

iinet: yes sir, and I'm prepared to offer you a full MONTH off your adsl

me: From when exactly? From when the adsl starts working properly?

iinet: No Sir, from when you signed up with us 2 weeks ago...

me: But I don't have adsl if you don't figure out a fix for this
then I'm paying for adsl despite the fact that you haven't supplied it?

iinet: Sir, you have an adsl connection, it's just not working like you
want it to - can't you live with having to click all URL's twice - it's just
a minor problem..

me: ....and the fact that my browser hangs all the time because it can't
recieve packets isn't a problem?

iinet: Well, you do have a connection, sir

me: so, perhaps everytime I want to use my chat client you're suggesting I
disconnect from adsl, dial up, chat, disconnect, then reconnect to adsl to
browse the web etc, so you can bill me?

iinet: let me talk to my supervisor for a moment....

<extended pause>

iinet: sir, I've been authorised to refund you the full cost of your 3
months adsl...

me: ...and the $100 set up fee?

iinet: Sorry, Sir, that money was paid to telstra - we can't refund that

me: but I'm not in business with telstra, you guys are...seems to me you
should be having a word with telstra....

iinet: Well, you do have an internet connection, sir

me: yes, but I'm paying for an internet SERVICE, and I don't have one of

iinet: I'm sorry, I definitely can't refund you with the $100 from telstra

me: Then you need to put me through to someone who can..

<Extended pause>

iinet: Sir, I do apologise, my supervisor has authorised me to refund you
the $100 set up also...

me: Apology accepted...(sort of)

Off to find another adsl supplier ;-)

Stewart Woods