
I have a friend with an old Mac LC520. At present he can't get it working
so I brought it home to see if I could manage something!!

He was given the LC, but it did not come with its system install disks. It
had been working find for word processing etc, but recently crashed and now
will not start up.

Having tried to start it last night, it currently powers up and sits there
with a flashing question mark on disk image.

First attempt was to tried and boot off my Diskwarrior CD, which has system
7.1 on it. I ended up with the "Sad Mac" logo and sound.

Next attempt was a System 6.0.5 install disk, and then System Tools disk
(6.0.5), which would not work.

I then tried burning System 7.1 onto a CD from the Diskwarrior CD and after
failing to start, I now am unable to eject the CD Caddy to remove the disk!!

I have also tried zapping the PRAM with no change to the flashing "?" mark.

Mactracker states that this particular model only runs on Mac OS 7.1 to
7.6.1, but I have no idea to get this on disk.

Other Mactracker stats are:
Mac LC 520
Motorola 68030, 25mhz
Mother board RAM = 4 MB
Max RAM = 36 MB (don't know how much is in this machine)

My main question/s:

Does anybody have install disks for this computer, or system 7 in general.

Or, does anyone know where I might find them online.

Is there anything else that I could try with the software that I already

I currently have the following:

Emac 700mhz G4 running Mac OS X with CD-RW/DVD-ROM

Powerbook 1400cs running Mac OS 8.1

Powerbook 1400cs running Mac OS 8.6

System 6.0.5 install disks and disk tools

Diskwarrior 2.1 CD with Mac OS 7.1, OS 8.1 and OS 9.1 on disk

Help greatly appreciated!
