Dear WAMUGgers

Ok Matt, then try this bit that I've just frivolously posted to GMUG list!

"I thought this might reassure you, just as you've put down a deposit... not!

"I actually like the cover on the latest Aust MacWorld with the Apple horn button, mice lights on the dash and great gauges. I'm not sure if it would sell though.

"Consider this press release: "Apple releases new Ocelot iR-T with Firewire accelerator, gearshift and steering. More responsive than a BMW iDrive and you'll never get locked in! A new safety feature is the spinning beachball of death, easily viewable at the lights. Just wait until it stops spinning to cross safely. Software Update V6.04 removes the annoying bug of having the iR-T stop moving before it has started, simply to update new windscreen wiper preferences. Now you can drive and download at the same time while running the old preferences. The new ones will self-install in the mall, as you browse the iTunes Store.


On Thursday, May 15, 2003, at 03:52 pm, Matthew Healey wrote:

On Thursday, May 15, 2003, at 12:47 PM, Mark Heeler wrote:

As much as I would like to, we can't blame MS this time...!

Since when has that stopped us before?

- Matt