around 29/5/03 8:21 AM, Peter Hinchliffe <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at 01:30 PM, Mark Secker wrote:
>> Thinking about Java, C and C++ or equivalent languages...
>> I've not done any programming for many years... well OK database
>> stuff excluded... and was interested in getting back in to it more as
>> a "hobby" thing. Obviously I'm thinking Mac and OSX stuff but....
> You already have all the software you need on the Developer CD which
> came with MacOS X. O'Reilly Publishing have a growing list of
> excellent reference books on Cocoa programming, and Boffins Bookshop in
> Perth have a decent selection from other publishers as well. To get
> started, you could also check out Mike Beam's excellent series of
> articles at <>.

Hi All,

Until recently I had an iMac, and had purchased a copy of OSX 10.1 which
contained the Developer Tools CD, but I've traded up to an eMac and, as part
of the deal, traded in my 10.1 as the eMac comes with 10.2. However the 10.2
CD doesn't seem to contain the Developer Tools CD, nor can I find any
reference in the documentation how to get this ... Can anyone tell me how I
can get a Developers CD?

