On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 08:15 AM, Vladimir James wrote:

I previously asked for advice on interpreting the error message "The
connection was terminated because the other side is not responding".
While I received some suggestions on altering my dialup procedures, no
one tackled the main issue. What does the message tell you about
connection faults (other than you're disconnected).

Using MacOS 10.2.6 512MB RAM PowerMail 4.1.3

Vlad James

Looks a little bit like a settings problem (although Im sure you have checked them out thoroughly).

First, IF the general "properties" of your connection match what the ISP's device "wants to see" then a basic connection will be made (i.e. you are another modem speaking a known language).
Next your login details will be used to verify your account.

So if the calls are indeed answered by the ISP but the error doesn't indicate an account problem, it may be a difference between how you are configured (most likely you are configured as you have been told)
and how you need to be configured.
In other words a dialogue may not yet be possible betwen the two devices.

Have you received any advice from the ISP on fixing the issue?

Are you specifying the DNS servers (Name Servers) of the ISP in your Network Settings > TCP/IP?

Two separate ISPs had the same responses to me as to why I was getting slow,
missed and dropped connections through them.
As the symptoms from both accounts seemed the same, I believe them.
However I tried a third ISP and viola! the previous two were made to be liars or worse: duds.

A word from the wary.