On Monday, June 9, 2003, at 10:52 AM, Lloyd White wrote:

> Can anyone suggest a book on OSX ?
> Am currently using OS9.2.1 and need some advice. Or there may be a
> website
> that does that.
> Thanks
> Lloyd

Boffins in Hay Street and Angus & Robertson in Murray Street both have
great selections of MacOS X startup books. Rellim are also worth a look.

Peter Hinchliffe

Hi WAMUGgers,

In fact last week-end I saw 2 good books at a special price at Angus &
Robertson (city). Admittedly they covered OS X 10.1 (or .2), and not Jaguar.
But a good way to get solid information on the OS. Price, if I remember
well, were $20, and $40.


Philippe C.

Friendship renders prosperity more brilliant, while it lightens
adversity by sharing it and making its burden common.

Marcus Tullius Cicero
( c. 106-43 BC, Great Roman Orator, Politician)