yes quite bizarre, yet very similar to a thing that was going around several years ago when the UK was (purportedly) going to introduce e-mail monitoring (and earlier still the CIA (purportedly)) so huge amounts of internet mail were going around with .sig files that were loaded with trigger words an phrases. The idea being to cause the system to be over loaded with legitimate e-mails that had to be sorted and assessed manually (because the joke was the people they wanted to catch were using code and encryption anyway) this was my own version of it.

mafia,CND,Embassy,Balkans, attack, IRA,Royal Family,(ETA),Iraq,Powder,insider,Concord,Greenpeace,GM,hacker,Qadhafi,Hizballah,snuff,Tory,DLO,Osama bin Ladin, Cemtex,porn,Colombia,purity,virus,NCIS,cracker,GBH,Biggs,RAF,Lockerbie,NIS,Assassination,National Front,G8

Posibly you have been an unwitting recipient of a "experiment" to test efficiency of such a system ;) (and only half joking about that) - you're not with ASIO are you... denial will be taken as a Yes ;)


This appeared at the bottom of an unsolicited spam email:

replicates sleet irwin prosecution militantly
RzneXerarjRzneXvvarg.arg.nhRzneX mob robberies linguists doting
prosper tediously scare afflicting noose revolutions noticed statutes
sourly reappearing prejudice

Can anyone lead me to places where I might find an interpretation of this?


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