I guess that this plagues everyone at some time or other. A PC wielding friend sends me emails with attachments I can not open. They are mime attachments. One is mime type-image/jpeg and another is mime type image/gif. I am using Apple's mail.app on OS X 10.2.6. I have tried Stuffit Expander, Graphic Converter and a few other graphic image apps . I have asked her to not send as a mime attachment but she just resent it as the image/gif. It is a letter type of communication which she has just dropped into her email and it is not an alternative to simply type out the letter in the email body. This is a person who does not know how to spell Apple let alone know how to communicate with one, other than simple email! And no, a solution is not to dump this very long standing friend of the family. So, how can I open mime attachments? I have looked at the list archives but found nothing or was not searching correctly.

Peter Sealy