Hi all,

A couple of queries.

The first being about the WAMUG membership. Someone
from WAMUG, I have forgotten who seeing as I don't
actually know many people from the group and I have
deleted the email, was going to mail me a membership
form seeing as I can't attend meetings and while I
have helped a couple of people out with questions and
problems on this list I feel I have gained far more
from the group than I have ever put over in the last 3
years or thereabouts so I'd like to join up properly.
I haven't recieved a form so if someone could send me
an application form I would appreciate it.

Secondly, I am looking at getting ADSL. I am sick of
having to use a Yahoo email address because I can't
find a dial-up account that I am satisfied with and
probably half the messages I get that are real get
marked as spam and I seem to get marked as spam to
other people too. I'm looking at a basic Westnet plan,
that seems to be in my budget and I haven't heard
anything bad about them as an ISP. Can anyone
recommend ADSL modems, or does anyone have a second
hand one available for a G4 Tower (466 with 516 RAM)
running OS9.2? Also, if anyone knows of other good and
easy on the budget ISPs for ADSL or a similar
connection then I'd appreciate some advice off list.

Thanks everyone,

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