On 2003-09-25 03:14, "Robert Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can I use a TV to  view my G3 Powerbook desktop?
> The monitor screen has just about died (stupid apple) and now I want to
> be able to use the computer through my TV.
> Some times, at a certain angle, I can see the screen;
> I have the  adaptor cable for video in/out, but how can I set the
> monitor control panel up for the external tv screen? The monitor control
> panel doesnt have any options of this kind, and there is limitted help
> in the apple help tuits. Or am I supposed to tune the TV INTO the
> powerbook (ie the other way round)??
> OS 9.2.2, G3 Lombard Powerbook, 230RAM

If it's like most Powerbooks -- just plug the cable in, and tell the TV to
display the appropriate AV port. On my Sony there's a button marked "TV/AV"
that switches through the available inputs.

But unless you have a Hi-Definition telly, you don't want to use it like
this very much. TVs are notoriously low-resolution. Look at hooking it up to
an external monitor instead, if you have a cable for that.
