On 2003-10-08 at 23:11(GMT+0800) Daniel Kerr at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailed off into the ether:

> Hi All
> *iCal 1.5.1 and iSync 1.2.1 updates are out. iCal shows up in Software
> update, but as I write this iSync wasn't.

iSync 1.2.1 only shows up once iCal 1.5.1 is installed. Running Software
Update again should find it.

I like the new option to "Show time in month view", sort of like what
Entourage did... I wanted that. The info panel is an improvement on the
old inspector, though not by much.

And it even supports non-US dates now -- I seem to remember version 1
didn't, but it won't launch now I've updated -- a big feature for us
Aussies, and for lil ol me using ISO date notation. (ISO 8601 specifies
dates like YYYY-MM-DD, which isn't widespread outside of China and

And now to see if iSync still works... :)
