This post is currently up on MacFixIt: 'There have been a number of complaints 
of white spots on the displays of the new PowerBook G4 15" (FireWire 800). 
MacFixIt reader Alwi Yunus writes:  "I've had the problem occur on my PowerBook 
purchased the day after the release at the retail AppleStore in Newark NJ. I 
had the screen replaced back home in Malaysia but five days after the screen 
replacement, the spots are back in the exact same configuration and place. I'm 
convinced that the problem does not arise from the screen itself but from the 
bottom half of the clamshell - from heat generated by the bottom half of the 
powerbook damaging the display when the powerbook is closed. That is the only 
explanation I can think of for the problem recurring in the exact location of 
the original spots. I've put up pictures of my PowerBook at 

About a month or so ago a single white spot appeared on the screen of my now 16 
month old iBook (roughly in the position of the one on the left of the screens 
in Alwi's pictures). Anyone else seen this on either their existing iBook or 

I'm covered by AppleCare but probably won't bother using it at this stage ... 
I'll see if the problem gets worse. Alwi's heat explanation sounds plausible. 
Until recently I lived in a caravan and in summer the iBook fan was always on 
during the daytime when the external temperature was 38 degrees Celsius or 
above (God knows what the temperature was in the van but it was HOT!). So my 
screen was subjected to some high temperates upon closure during the course of 
last summer.

Richard Kay
Western Australia