Re Telstra email.......

1.  Somewhere a statement was made that they updated some software,
    which was probably microsoft stuff seeing they are tied in there
    and ... It had bugs. They were still sorting that out.. So the story
2.  Spam has created a 25 % increase in their mail traffic in just 2 weeks.
    I don't know anybody who could justify having that amount of system
    hardware just sitting around  on a " MAYBE the spammers will generate
    more mail and we might need this "  basis.


On 15/10/03 2:01 PM, "Neil Houghton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Has anyone else been having problems with missing mail?
> I'm assuming I'm missing mail because I'm getting a lot of WAMUG messages
> that are obviously replies to messages that I haven't seen. (ie subject
> re:xxx where I didn't receive subject xxx or messages with quoted passages
> which I haven't seen).
> I heard on the news that telstra were having email problems and I wondered
> if this might be related (I'm a bigpond customer) but although I had a few
> "failed to retrieve" messages I seem to be connecting & receiving mail -
> just not all of it?.
> The other thing I noticed was mail that seemed out of sequence, eg I
> recieved lots of the replies & replies to the replies for Peter's recent
> ical color problem long before I received the original message.
> I tried checking the archive to ascertain how much I might have missed but
> the Yahoo one stops where the list got migrated.
> Anyone else having similar problems? if so are you telstra customers?
> Neil