> I was just wondering if those people who are using MS Office v.X have
> completely removed AppleWorks? If so have you done away with the idea of
> having a database program etc which doesn't come with office, or are there
> appropriate substitutes so you can get rid of AppleWorks all together?

Hi Adam

FileMaker is an alternative. I find the AppleWorks Database a little
constrictive, however FM is the other side of that. So large, flexible and
powerful as to be scary - I'm sure there are people who will disagree :-)
However there are so many plug-ins for it in freeware & shareware that a lot
of the aggravation has been removed.

I seem to recall hearing that MS were ditching Access in favour of FM

Entourage - the thing to remember about Rules is that they are applied in
the order in which they are listed.

If you open a message and then open rules you will find that the e-addresses
are automatically in place.

There are quite a few variables but once you have had a bit of play it works
quite well. 

As for Spam then look at SpamSieve - works with Entourage and Mail and
PowerMail and MailSmith and Eudora. http://www.c-command.com/spamsieve/

Personally not fond of MS in principle but the Office Suite is excellent
software, and it does seem to work on Macs better with each new version.

IMHO Appleworks sucks, basically :-) Also not happy with Mail, iCal etc I
find them clumsy and inflexible. Have never been able to get iSync working
with my Nokia 6310i via Bluetooth, just think that there is a long way to go
with all of those Apple apps, except Safari which I find brilliant -
especially the tabbed browsing.

If you check the archives you will find loads of info on alternatives to

My 2 cents :-)

All the best
