On Wed, 14 Jan 2004, David Watkins wrote:

> Rod
> I would recommending that you go with iinet for your broadband
> connection. The connection has been 100% reliable for me with no
> glitches at all. Like you, I have been with them since they started
> up in Hillarys

padbury even :)

> No matter what you buy in the world you will always hear someone
> advise against it. Ask your self why iinet have been so successful
> in the market place.

erm, cause they bought up all their competition?

iiNet is a good ISP, however some other local companies 
such as Westnet and Arachnet are very good value and in my experience 
offer far superior support both in terms of content and availabilty.

Might pay to make a quick call to one of the isp's support lines then to 
iiNets to compare before your sign up :)
