hi to the interested
Have been the victim of Toshiba quality for the past 4 years. Work for Govt dept that seems to have a love affair with the company. Sadly the satelitte series has been a huge disappointment. Recurrent similiar failures involving video power supplies, and other varied technical short comings requiring the machines to be shipped back to Sydney for repair as the local agents not authorised by Toshiba to do repairs.

Okay if you live over east but when you live in the west it means being without your machine for 2 to 3 weeks. ( Broome to Perth to Sydney to Perth to Broome) as Toshiba will not receive goods or send goods directly to the client. Indeed with 2 of the machines they travelled to Sydney twice to have the same problem fixed. can't comment on the 2003 or 04 versions as we won't be touching Toshiba again.

So for after sales service I would give Toshiba a big fat Egg.

And for quality of product regardless of price the old adage is true you get what you pay for (almost) ;o).
 End of Spleen venting..

On Tuesday, February 10, 2004, at 10:56 AM, Mark Secker wrote:

I believe Toshiba is now making a 17" notebook - Satellite P20. I
really compared the specs to the Mac but I know it doesn't ship with

I will stress to the customer that only quality PC laptop
manufacturers can be compared with apples.
Apples and oranges you see.

and unfortunately I don't consider Toshiba's to be automatically considered as a "quality PC laptop manufacturer" some models yes some models no... buy with caution and only after a hands on

and remember _if_ a key point is that prospective buyer wants to transport it frequently the 17" models of all brands may fail due to weight. I haven't seen/picked up Sony's but the Toshiba is SERIOUSLY HEAVY!

for this reason my next laptop will be a 12" iBook or PowerBook

Mark Secker Computer Support Officer
ph#6488 1855 (ECEL) <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
University of Western Australia - CRICOS Provider No. 00126G
"present day
             present time"
<http://ecel-mark.ecel.uwa.edu.au/~marksecker/index.htm> (sometimes works)

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