Hi again everyone,

No, Onno, I was not sending HTML ( I know enough not to send that! ).

I think I may have found the problem though... I just received e-mail back from someone with the same Undeliverable Message statement including the time that I sent the original. ONLY problem is - I wasn't even home at the time and also I have no idea who the person is I was supposed to have e-mailed.

As I receive bogus e-mail almost everyday now usually with a nice suspicious attachment file I dare say a virus spreader has taken hold of my e-mail address. I never open these files but they keep coming. I wonder if a virus is actually in my machine.

I have the latest Virex Update and scan regularly and never open any files that I do not expect or can confirm.

Has anyone else been having the same trouble?

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be protected by professional privilege. It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.