On 21/5/04 8:31 AM, "Stewart Woods" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 A beautiful replica of an SE




Ah! What a cool site.

I'll think I'll turn on my se/30 or Mac plus on for some memories.
When things where just simple.

I would love to go back in time and start the Macintosh journey all over

Yeah! One 400k floppy drive. System on one floppy, compiler on another, project on a third. Compile the project. Spend 20 mins swapping floppies. Fun.... :-)

Dr Rob Phillips, Senior Lecturer,    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Room 4.38 Teaching and Learning Centre, Library North Wing
Murdoch University, South St, Murdoch, 6150, Perth, AUS
Phone: +61 8 9360 6054  Mobile: 0416 065 054
Chair, 2004 ASCILITE Conference, http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/perth04/