Hi All

Just to let remind you for tonight's meeting....which is tonight, Tuesday
1st June, 7.30pm.

Peter Hinchliffe is showing off QuickSilver (the software, not the computer
or clothes.)
Quicksilver can be described as an evolving framework for accessing and
manipulating many forms of personal data.  Existing modules include a
launcher, a clipboard recorder, and a shelf.

Peter Hinchliffe and Matt Healey are showing off the new Members Website.
Very cool! Then once this is up and running every one can PAY to JOIN!!! :o)

(Oh and then next month once we have LOTS of financial members we can do the
prize draw - YEH!)

Peter Hinchliffe is then kept busy again showing off a very cool Labelling

Matt Healey will show off a cool product called Quickstream DVD. Very good
for anyone in Video editing etc.

Malcolm McCallum (may) be showing off some things to do with networking.

I'll be taking notes and giving away prizes at the end. ;o)

So there you go! A busy meeting and not one to be missed! (Or next month's
for that matter!)

So make sure you mark it in your iCal, er your Calender.

See you then!


Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr