on 04/06/04 12:59, Onno Benschop at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Fri, 2004-06-04 at 14:23, Neil Houghton wrote:
>> I downloaded the application OK via virtual PC but the problem is that the
>> application failed to install under virtual PC. (It's quite a while back
>> now, so I don't remember the exact windows error messages which came up).
> When you make a statement that says that it doesn't work, you should
> back it up. I'm only pointing out that I've not found any issues, nor
> can I think of any that would preclude the installation of any software.
> Again. I think it is a configuration issue, nothing to do with
> Virtual-PC IMHO.

OK Onno,

You undoubtedly have much more knowledge/experience than me with Macs and
most of the population has more knowledge/experience than me with
PCs/Windows! (Though I've used Windows boxes at various offices, I've never
had to try & set them up or troubleshoot them)

I've just fired up VPC to try and give some more meaningful information on
the problem:

The set-up is 800MHz G4 iMac running OSX 10.2.8.
Virtual PC for Mac 6.1 - installed as package with MS Office Pro
Windows XP Pro

The VPC/Windows installation seemed to go fine and runs OK. I've installed
other software (not much) without any problem.

The problem item downloaded is called "protraderinstall" Windows identifies
it as an application and it is 3850KB in size.

When I try to run it, a windows error box comes up which is titled "Install"
and contains the message "I/O Error" and an "OK" box. Clicking the "OK" box
just shuts the error box.

At my level of knowledge, this just means that the software won't install. I
wondered if there was corruption problem with the download so I trashed it
and downloaded again - but everything behaved as before. I then assumed,
probably erroneously if Onno is right, that the software wasn't compatible
with VPC.

I would love to be proven wrong & find that the problems is a fixable
configuration issue but I wouldn't have a clue what to do next. At the time
I checked the FAQs on the website but from memory they only covered possible
problems with running the system, I know that there was nothing covering
what to do if it just didn't install and definitely no info regarding using
it with Virtual PC.

So... would this error message tend to indicate a configuration issue, as
suggested by Onno, if so what do I check/do to confirm/track down the

Now wondering why I didn't ask much earlier!


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Fax: +61 8 9841 6137