DISCLAIMER: This response is incomplete, from memory and in my
experience. Eg. You are on your own :-)

On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 22:38, Reg Whitely wrote:
> The NetGear WG 302 ProSafe WAP seems to meet all the required  
> specifications and has been recommended to me.
> http://www.netgear.com.au/products/prod_details.asp?prodID=224

I have not used this device. I have downloaded and referred to the data
sheet where appropriate.

> 1     The ability to be configured from MacOS 10.3.4. System requirements  
> suggest Win 98-XP but maybe that is for "Resource CD".  DLink devices  
> have some issues in this regard.

I'll take that in two parts:

The data sheet says that it supports secure SSH Telnet, I'm supposing
that this means you can telnet to it to configure it, but you'd need to
talk to Netgear. It also says that it has SSL remote management login -
(albeit in a future firmware revision) - which means you can use a
web-browser to talk to it - again, confirm with Netgear. Finally, it
supports SNMP, so you can likely also configure it with an SNMP tool.
All in all, very likely to be configurable with a Mac.

Hmm, just read this paragraph in the specs:
        · Network Management:
          - Remote configuration and management through
            Web browser, SNMP or Telnet with command line
            interface (CLI)
          - SNMP management supports SNMP MIB I,
            MIB II, and 802.11 MIB

Yes, your Mac is supported.

Your reference to dLink is incorrect. You can configure any of their
devices that I am aware of using a web-browser. Their own software runs
under Windows only AFAIK, but it is not required at all.

> 2     Range: It has 2 x 5dBi detachable antennae. I would like it to act as  
> a stand-alone wireless provider for my whole school. Currently an Apple  
> Extreme Base Station cannot quite meet the distance to the extremities  
> of the school - ~40m total Extreme range. We need at least 60 m radius,  
> reliably receiving and sending.

Range is a two-way street. If you have 5km range, the other end needs
that too! Similarly, if you have 60m radius, the other end also needs to
be able to transmit across that distance.

In general I've found that lower speeds travel further - some times
*much* further with less errors. These days I run my link at its slowest
speed, because it's still faster than the satellite down-link.

> 3     What are your experiences with extension antennae? NetGear offer 2,  
> one being omnidirectional. DLink have quite a few nice models. Are they  
> cross-compatible? DLink's 5km radius is tempting to ping it out to the  
> rest of town...  
> <http://www.dlink.com.au/products/wireless/antenna/ant24_1500.htm>

The biggest issue is one of plug compatibility. I've found that dLink
sometimes does weird stuff with their connectors. Ask and find out. But
again, a high gain antenna will only help if you have two of them!

> 4     Does it have capacity to obtain internal IP address via DHCP? This is  
> needed. I can't find this info in the tech specs.

Uhm, give out an address via DHCP? I would be very surprised if it
didn't, but ask.

> 5     Is a G4 Dual Processor Xserve running 10.3.4 Server software  
> considered to be a RADIUS server, presumably to enable EAP-TLS,  
> EAP-TTLS, EAP-PEAP security and authentication, which are DET  
> requirements and which the WG302 supports?

A radius server is a server that provides a specific authentication
protocol. It has nothing to do with OS or hardware. I suspect that there
is radius server software for the Mac, but it is only required to
provide authenticated access to the network itself. I'm not sure that
you need this, but perhaps the EdDep says otherwise.

> There are other more minor details but these are the most pertinent  
> now. If you'd like more info on the DET Standards for clarification,  
> please let me know off-line.

No thanks :-)

Onno Benschop 

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