Hi all

Does anyone know if WWDC 2004 Keynote will be telecast online.

And if so is any one game to show it for the die hard fans in the late or
early mornings.

ARRRH! Tiger   what will you bring us to feed on.


If you know anyone who's over there you could ask them to turn iChat AV on :)

Assuming they don't turn the wireless off like they've been known to do at MacWorld. Of course that would cause a riot at WWDC, and be ineffective :)

Have fun,
=========================== Shay  Telfer ================================
 Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper in the
 Opinions for hire              [POQ]     2005 World Solar Challenge
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]         fnord     <http://sungroper.asn.au/>