Greg Pennefather wrote:

My suggestion however, is to remove VPC (how to and
reinstall it and the updates - up to 5.0.4 I think.  Make sure you keep your
disk image intact (copy it somewhere) as this can be used with the
re-installed VPC - you'll need to configure it to use the existing disk
image once it is installed.  This will save an enormous amount of time and
hassle as all of your existing setup will be there ready to go.

If you have trouble finding the updates (if you don't have them) then drop
me a line and I'll try to dig them out - I'm sure I have them somewhere.

I took Greg's advice, trashed VPC 5 and reinstalled in OS X.3.3. Got a message saying the VirtualSwitch.kext file is missing and I should get an update.

I found the update to 5.0.4 at but when I click on it (or any of the alternate links) I get to a page to download 6.1.1. There is a message that the automatic download is about to start but then I get taken to a mactopia site where I can read about version 7.

Does anyone know where I can get the 5.0.4 update?

Alternately should I install 6.0 (which I own but have never installed)? It could not be any worse than 5.0 which is unusable as it is, the mouse does not select the things I click on!
