On 08/10/2004, at 8:27 AM, Rick Armstrong wrote:

Dear David,
(Some of below comments may be inaccurate, members please enlighten)
With the cost of increasing the ram on an very early model G4 and purchasing an OS9 and OS10 CD to run Photoshop 5, Acrobat 4, Illustrator 6, Quark 4, Suitcase 8, Office 2001 and it goes on... (can anyone tell me if I can run
these applications in OS10.3?

NO ! Not unless you get the OSX version and that sounds like a heap of dollars .

On the other hand, it depends on what value you put on your time ! ?

I am running 10.3.4 with 9.1 as classic on a 7600 / G4.400 and I can assert that the OSX operating system is far more stable. But I do have my problems
with Printing using older printer.

You should be able to  setup the older mac to use it's hard drive.
You have the choice of making a network with it or using
it as a Target Disk.

There was a dual boot G4 version of Mac still available not long ago.
 You may have to buy it second hand now though.


I was told to dump the G4 and upgrade to a
new machine to run OS9+ and OSX+ (the cost of the new machines was
relatively cheap then, cheaper now) now I am stuck because OSX runs classic inside at a slower rate. I am running Adobe CS Suite on the iBook trying to
use the other as a external drive. Any comments welcome