On 5/11/04 5:04 AM, "WAMUG Mailing List" <wamug@wamug.org.au> wrote:

> On 03/11/2004, at 7:38 PM, Stephen Chape wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Has any one seen this with Safari ?
>> For the last few days each time I go to a website (from bookmarks, or
>> a link, or typed in manually) it does not connect and I get a message
>> telling me the server cannot be found. But if I try a second time it
>> connects.
>> This is driving me crazy going to every web address twice to get in !!
>> Any ideas would be appreciated ?
>> PS: I have not changed any settings anywhere.
>> Regards,
>> Stephen Chape

I have had the same problem since I downloaded updated Apple software last
week, via Software Update. Just like Stephen, I have to go to web addresses
twice before they will load.

Unfortunately I can't remember what it was that I downloaded. A security
update and QuickTime, I think. Or was it iTunes? I restarted and repaired
permissions after installing the new software.

I'm running OS 10.3.5 on a G3 PowerBook 400, Safari 1.2.3 (v125.9)

Michael Hawkins.