What you could do is try sending a Ragtime file from the PC to Mac as an
email attachment and see if you have the same problem. This should at least
isolate whether it's a Ragtime problem or related to the burn process.

Greg Sharp

On 13/11/04 1:05 AM, "Mervyn & Giuliana Bond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am using Ragtime 5.6.4 on my iMac 10.2 at home.  I can burn files
> to a CD using Toast and Hybrid format and these can be read with
> Ragtime 5.6 on a PC at the office whether in portrait or landscape
> layout.
> However, when a Ragtime document in landscape is burned to a CD by
> the PC running XP I can only see the left hand half of the landscape
> page on my iMac at home.  The PC software for burning on the PC is
> the standard software built in as part of the XP operating system.
> One of my son's who also drives a PC running XP can see the total
> file.  He saved the document in ISO format using NERO and the same
> problem occurred on the iMac.
> I have only tried this for Ragtime so I do not know whether other
> applications using landscape produce the same result.
> Has anyone else encountered this problem?  If so, is there a solution?
> Merv