Looking to get a bluetooth phone that will send sms's by typing on the Mac
and sending using the phone. LOTS of people want us to phone them back with
bookings confirmations and we end up playing phone tag or they just don't
turn up. Turning into a lot of work and being able to use templates of
messages would be handy.

Apple's compat list not much good. My P800 is on there but it can't do it.

Don't want to use I/net service because they charge and I have space on my
cap to use up.

Anyone use this feature?

FYI, the services my Sony-Ericsson T610 provides are

Device Services: OBEX File Transfer, Dial-up Networking, Voice gateway, Serial Port 1, Serial Port 2, OBEX Object Push, IrMC Synchronization, HF Voice gateway, OBEX Basic Imaging

according to the BlueTooth Preferences panel. It does let you SMS from the Address Book.

Have fun,
=========================== Shay  Telfer ================================
 Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper in the
 Opinions for hire              [POQ]     2005 World Solar Challenge
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]         fnord     <http://sungroper.asn.au/>