On 5/01/2005 1:34 PM, "Severin Crisp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can anyone please tell me when Daniel Kerr will be back online again?
> Currently no response to email and message service for [phone.  How can
> WAMUG members be expected to carry on without him?!
> Severin Crisp

Hi Severin (and others)

Thanks for that. Didn't realise I was so missed.:o)

As Rod mentioned it's been hectic at the moment.
Between moving, my Dad coming over from NZ and my sisters wedding next week
(meaning more rellies coming over) and also working (and Xmas, New Year in
there as well), it's been soooo busy!
And to top that off, waiting for ADSL!
(I now realise why I so dislike dialup! Going from 1.5MB ADSL to 56k dialup
shared over 3 computers (and 1 phone line) is horrible! Reminds me of that
adcritic ad Rod!) :o)
But yes I've got most of it up and working now,...so everything should be
good! :o)

But thanks again for the concern,...good to know I'd be missed. :o)

Hope everyone is having a great New Year so far! I think this one's going to
be a good one!

Oh and our esteem leader (read Matt) is in the US...so hello to him
too,..albeit a delayed read for him. :o)
So yes,....some things to work on for the website and perhaps the mailing
list settings,...all noted for his return! :o) (Well I'll give him a week to
get back into it) :o)


Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Macintosh**