Recently on the list was a question from one or more re not being able to post emails to the list, something to do with only accepting plain text if I remember correctly. Today...... not for the first time I have had emails bounce and maybe this could give someone with technical knowledge a clue

Today i replied to the list to a question from Paul Mulroney and my email posted to list without a problem. Then only minutes later I tried to reply to a question from Malcolm J McCallum and it bounced. This is not the first time i have had replies bounce that were replies to questions from Malcolm.......why would this happen?

Date: Mon Jan 10, 2005  10:27:01  AM Australia/Perth
Subject: Undeliverable mail: Re: DD  and the undoing of same.
Attachments: There is 1 attachment

Failed to deliver to '<>'
LIST module(list wamug) reports:
 Your message cannot be posted.
 It has the content-type: multipart/alternative,
 and this list accepts plain text only

Reporting-MTA: dns;

Original-Recipient: rfc822;<>
Final-Recipient: LIST;<submit>
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0