I might be wrong, but I have always thought this to be a serious invasion of privacy

A telephone number and address details " advertised " in a PUBLIC document
can hardly be classed as PRIVATE ........

And I have to say, I feel a bit as if my privacy should count for something here. If I can prove harassment surely I should be given the chance to make it go away.

I can't do the whistle thing because they usually hang up immediately when we pick up. Just occasionally they don't, but this is impossible to predict. Yesterday it was nine times, but mostly it happens in multiples of three.

I don't think its kids because there is no giggling, and it has been going on for far too long for the attention span of an average kid.

I rang Optus and they said we have to jump through a bunch of hoops so that they can get the process going of getting the nasty letter written.

I'm just gonna call the cops.

thanks all
