On 10/02/2005, at 8:42 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

On 09/02/2005, at 3:59 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:

In these days of "manual-free" I find I often want to print hard copy of PDF Users Guides. Acrobat Standard allows me to double side by printing the odd numbered pages first then the even ones. Many such documents, however, are over generously set out with large print sizes and lots of space which is fine for on screen but very wasteful for printing. In many cases printing successive A4 pages side by side with the paper turned to landscape gives a nice printout. But how do I double side these pages. Essentially I need to make a new document which pairs the portrait pages in Acrobat as single landscape pages prior to printing.
Nowhere can I find how to do this fairly obvious procedure.
Advice welcomed!
Severin Crisp

What you are talking about is imposition software. You should check out BookLightning at <http://www.metaobject.com>. It is shareware, but it's not expensive and it will do what you want. Just drop your PDF file onto the BookLightning icon and a correctly-imposed version is created almost instantly (it's incredibly fast!). BookLightning also allows you to install a couple of PDF Services, "Print Book" and "Make Book", which make the process even easier.

Thanks Peter,

In the 'Read Me' File :

Using PDF Services:
"Note: Mac OSX Panther at present has problems with PDF Services, which may cause the application invoking the service to crash. This problem has been reported to Apple. In the meantime, we advise that you do not use PDF Services with Panther, but instead create and convert files in separate steps."

When Microsoft asks you, "Where do you want to go today?" Tell them, "Apple!"