In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
on Mon, Feb 14, 2005 at 08:16:53PM +0800, Christian Kotz wrote:
> Just emailing because as of last night my iBook is losing HD space.

This might be due to a "memory leak": a situation where software keeps
trying to grab more and more memory. When the computer runs out of RAM,
it allocates "virtual memory" by using files on the disk as fake RAM.
To find out if this is the culprit, go to the Finder and choose 'Go to
Folder' from the 'Go' menu. Enter /var/vm and press OK. You will then
see the folder. Put the folder into 'List' view (or do 'Get Info...')
to find out how much disk space it is using. If it is 3.4Gb, then you
know where you disk space has gone! This could be resolved by rebooting.
But the culprit application might strike again! Further diagnosis (e.g.
to track down the culprit) can be done using the Activity Monitor
(Applications > Utilities).