On 14/02/2005 8:16 PM, "Christian Kotz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All
> Just emailing because as of last night my iBook is losing HD space. It
> got down to zero KB and I had a word doc to save so I deleted 400MB of
> space but as I did it was chewed up instantly. I then attacked my music
> direct from the itunes folder and did a secure delete which liberated
> 250MB of space so I finally could save. Today I was using it and
> deleted 35Mb of files which actually used a further 35MB of HD after
> emptying the trash. A few more deletions and all of the sudden I have
> only 80MB available. It had 3.4 GB 2 days ago. Any ideas where its
> going? It's only happened since 10.3.8 and this laptop doesn't like it.
> I've already had a screen resolution bug which I think had something to
> do with the Ati Driver updates. Not having much luck with this
> Clamshell but would like its space back.  Thankful for any assistance.
> Regards Christian

Funny you should mention that. Well not really funny "funny", but funny. I
read about that last night on the web.
It has to do with System.log files.
If you do a search for System.log with Visibility showing Visible and
Invisible files you should get something that shows:
System 0.log
If you open the folder these are in you should be able to do a Get Info on
them, and you'll find one will be the missing size.
Delete them, restart and things should be back to normal.

Here is the info on it:
<http://discussions.info.apple.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@.68a64b1e/8>
<http://discussions.info.apple.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@.68a64b1e/40>

Hope that helps!
Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Macintosh**