Dear WAMUG'ers,

Security Update 2005-003 in now available fromSoftware Update for those who
have not updated as yet.

Regarding John C's comments on Provue, although I have not used this
database - in fact I do not have much use personally for a database, I can
vouch for the veracity of this application's ease of use and legendary
rapidity. I was privileged to see John's massive database in action, and
boy! was it fast and fairly easy to understand.

It is somewhat sad that small enterprises who produce excellent applications
are often judged on their size, and not on their product's versatility and
efficiency. One has only to look at the constant battle between the massive
Goliath (read M$) and the many other smaller competitors, many of which have
either gone down or bought up by the giant.

John, you have done everything you could to show us the beauty of Provue's
product. Do not blame yourself.


Philippe C


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from
mediocreminds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not
thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and
courageously uses his intelligence." - Albert Einstein

(1879-1955, German-born American Physicist)