Thank you, Thank you, Thank you ...

For a couple of years I have had to record in real time the movies made with my Sony digital still camera to get an audio track. As a result of reading your post I just downloaded bbDEMUX and it separates audio and video instantly. How wonderful!!!

Best wishes

On 05/04/2005, at 1:51 PM, Reg Whitely wrote:

Hi WAMUGgers
On 5 Apr 2005, at 9:16am, Rod wrote:

What programs do you use (freeware/shareware/commercial) that makes your OS X experience better? Like making 10.3 like 10.4 for example. I have been giving the following a go:

Tinkertool to give me scroll up and down arrows at top and bottom of windows Yasu, MacJanitor and Panther Cache Cleaner to keep it running smoothly (Yasu perhaps best) Carbon Copy Cloner which did a fantastic job last year setting up 6 iBooks and various eMacs at Augusta PS iiUsage which Daniel put me on to, showing my iiNet broadband usage in the menu bar Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection, to show some disbelievers that my mac will "do Windows"! Photorescue - haven't paid for it so can't really use it but the demo showed me that my daughter could retrieve almost all of her Christmas hol pics that esteemed partner had accidentally deleted from their Kodak digital camera BatChmod which I used last year to set up correct privileges for kids folders in Kidpix,'cos Kidpix wants to store ALL files in the KidPix Folder with admin privileges only so the kids can't actually save their masterpieces! (Found that out after an hour with the yr2/3s and boy were they a little bit annoyed!) bbDemux which let me separate the sound track from video on a short movie taken on a Sony digital still camera, which "muxed" the movie. THen I could edit it in iMovie a Chronological Calculator which I copied from a website as an html file and runs nicely as a little mini app, usefull when you're doing WALNA data analysis and need to calculate the age of children, or if little Johnny can be enrolled as a kindy kid cos he turns 4 before the end of June (eg if Rod was born on 4/10/1965 then Rod is 39 years, 11 months, and 25 days old today.) Just need to remember it is in US date format mm/dd/year. MorphX which you can use to morph a picture of Rod into a chimpanzee, weevil or similar ;-) or your newborn daughter to your mother-in-law to show her what she's going to look like in the future!
Enough for now.