On 04/05/2005, at 5:46 PM, Greg Sharp wrote:

On 4/5/05 6:55 PM, "Michael Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No, no sign of it here either. I did receive an aplogy and a new date of 4th
May for delivery though.

I don't know what Apple Australia's position is on this, but in the US those promised Tiger by the 29th who didn't receive it also received an email like yours & were initially offered no compensation. However a large number who actually rang up and complained about it were offered as a bonus a choice of either iLife 5, iWorks or something similarly priced for free to make up for the inconvenience. I've heard a lot of country Australia including many parts of WA missed out so it may be worth seeing what Apple's reaction is to
offering similar compensation.


You will be very lucky if you do get some sort of compensation <looks out window for airbourne pork>. It is no different from anyone who bought a Mac thinking they could order photos and books through iPhoto (through Apple), those who waited 3+ months for the original 17" Powerbook (even though they were supposed to ship within a month of announcement), those who bought Macs to buy music through iTMS, thinking worldwide actually meant more than 10 countries :-)

Come on. Spare a thought for the other 90% of the computing world who have waited <insert years here> for Longhorn to finally be on the shelf ;-) And I have never had an up-to-date program *ever* be on time. You guys are lucky it is only a week after Tiger was released. In the past the word week has been plural..... :-)

Its not if 10.3.9 was going to self destruct on the 29th!

*By the way - this is all in good humour. When the G4 400s first came out, I bought one through a reseller staff program and had to wait 3 months before I got one. Apple had to satisfy regular customers first. So I know how you guys feel!*

