Hi WAMUGgers

I haven't really had time yet to look at the streaming videos, but may find time this weekend. We have a GMUG meeting at 1pm this afternoon at Goldings Paving Centre in Glenfield, up here in sunny Gero (it's a beautiful day altogether) and if Carol and Richard have their broadband up and running we may venture a look then.

Many thanks to all the WAMUGgers who produced this epic adventure so more distant list members can view you all in glorious action! It's almost as exciting as Dr Who returning to the screen. I've been looking at http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/video/index.shtml and that looks fantastic too.

So to all you Daleks, Roses and Time Lords at WAMUG, thanks and have a great day.


(PS Sent to you by a Geraldton Tiger powered PowerBook - remember the little tiger tails Esso used to give away to tie on your fuel caps - Put a Tiger in your Tank! My brother had a 1956 VW beetle and his tail hung out the front of the boot lid as if the beetle had eaten it!)