On 08/06/2005, at 11:32 AM, Martin Hill wrote:

From: Warren Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  If the Mac will be able to run win software well, will this be a
double-edged sword?
- will that encourage companies to only write software for Win, knowing
it will probably work on the new macs good enough?

I think most software vendors realise Mac users don't suffer Windows-like software (or crappy ports or poorly written software for that matter) nearly
as easily as Windows users who are used to that stuff.

I think this is the big thing for Mac users now.

Previously, companies could get away with writing so-so user interfaces as long as it basically worked. Nowadays, Mac users EXPECT a well thought out, clean, quality interface.

Apple has shown the world that interfaces can be a functional thing of elegance and beauty. By that, I don't just mean eye-candy. There a many Windows apps that have a 'pretty' interface with glossy buttons and drop shadows everywhere, but after using them you realise that they were made by some intern that just discovered Photoshop filters.

Pages, Delicious Library, Keynote, the iApps, QuickSilver, OmniApps et al have all shown that interface can look fantastic, but also be incredibly functional. It's what Mac users expect.

Ugly Windows ports just won't cut it any more.

- Matt