On 08/06/2005, at 8:50 AM, James Devenish wrote:

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
on Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 07:23:45AM +0800, Rod wrote:
Steve says the soul of the Mac has always been the OS

And the hardware its heart.

Also, while there's been attention given to the fact that old PowerPC
apps will work on Mactel thanks to dynamic translation in Rosetta, what
happens the other way around?

There are plenty of people who can't
replace all their hardware every three years. It's continual pain for me
that for most software, development for Mac OS 9 stopped several years

However, old Macs can be upgraded and run NEW OSX software.

EG:  This 7600... G3/500... OSX Panther 10.3.8
        Ram 512Mb HD SCSI 50Gb

And it will drive an external Firewire DVD-RW


But of course there ARE limitations .