I have a PalmOne Treo 600 smart phone.
A few days ago I figured put how to use MMS and Email on the phone.
I both sent and received email that evening.
When I tried again a few days later I find I can receive email ok but cannot
send. I get this message:
" We were unable to send mail using: mail.m.iinet.net.au  ... If this
problem persists contact your mail provider"

The Connection Log says "unable to authenticate with smpt user- sorry that
domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)

Over the next few days I have been able to receive all incoming emails using
the mail application on the phone, but cannot send.

Please can you help?
My phone is with Telstra, my innternet is with iiNet. with Telstra.



Rod BLITVICH   Head of Learning Technologies Balcatta Senior High School
Apple Educator of Excellence 2002 - 2003
Amy and Sam's Dad 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                0409 681 256

At work I always try to go the extra mile...
but my boss always finds me and brings me back.