Goo Morning,

The compression software Stuffit was for a long time marketed by Aladdin,
more recently    Allume
and now they have been taken over by Smith Micro.
Below copy from Macintouch and link to Smith Micro web.


12:35 EDT   Smith Micro bought Allume, the latest company to control commercial rights for the classic Mac compression product originally created as shareware by Ray Lau:

The first version of StuffIt was written by Raymond Lau in 1987. It was made available as shareware on the major online services during the summer of 1987. By the end of 1987, the StuffIt file format had become an accepted standard on CompuServe, GEnie and Delphi, then the dominant online services. It has remained an online standard to this date. Raymond has been an active participant in the engineering of the product for all versions up to and including StuffIt Deluxe 3.5 released October, 1994. Version 4.0 and later still contain the same core code, but Lau ceased to be actively involved in the development of the product as of January 1995.
