Got some interest in this pdf compression so here are more tests... Tried, Word, OSX, Colour Sync, Acrobat, Distiller, Indesign and PDF Shrink

236KB file
Word to pdf =                                   888KB
word to compresses pdf =                        276KB
word pdf to colour sync as mention before =     132KB
word pdf to indesign (72dpi, lowwest qual) =    156KB
word pdf to pdfshrink ebook =                   132KB
word pdf to pdfsrhink screen =                  104KB
word pdf to colour sync black a white filter =  100KB
word pdf to Acrobat reduce file size option     336KB

The small initial file size as mentioned before doesn't do the file justice as the images are well jpeged.

- side note on image compression. deleted all images pdf from word was 88KB and run through colour sync stays at 88KB and PDF Shrink stays at 88KB

only way to make really tiny files is to avoid images and ornamental fonts or many different fonts. COlour Sync does seem to give very good results.

Robert Howells mentioned techniques to send the file from a website.


couldn't find the image compression filter Peder mentioned
distiller didn't touch the file as a word doc or a pdf but i don't know the application well.