Hi Vlad,

I'm just installing an Airport update (4.2) which appears to have just been released. Perhaps try installing that.

Cheers, Matt.

On 15/07/2005, at 9:16 AM, Vladimir James wrote:

Update to my previous msg.

Used Software Update to install OS 10.4.2 on my G4/800. Thereafter, I couldn't connect using ISDN. My internet settings seemed to be altered by the update. The Connection Log stated that my "Connect script failed". After much fiddling with the Network connections, including re-setting the PPP options and re-starting the NT1 Plus modem, I was able to connect. However, I could only connect on the line for vocal traffic, which is slower and you get knocked off every time you receive a phone call. No good. The data line is still inaccessible.

MacFixit reports some users experienced connectivity problems, especially with Airport/Wireless setups after OS 10.4.2 updates.

I'm at the point where I will have to ring Telstra for support. This is the only hassle I've had with Tiger.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Vlad James

Matt Huitson
School of Psychology
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA 6009
Work +61 8 6488 3639