Hi Greg et al.,

Thanx for the help to all. Yep, my toy thought it was still connected to the 
Ethernet network at work!

As soon as I changed it to a LAN and configured the internal Airport modem 
(which was there - thanks Steve) it worked like a charm!



Kevin from Wycheproof.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Greg Pennefather"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WAMUG Mailing List"<wamug@wamug.org.au>
Date: Tue Jul 19 19:52:39 PDT 2005
Subject: Re: Dial-Up Using Airport?

>The first thing that jumps out at me is that the Airport thinks it is
>connected to the Internet via Ethernet.  So it is unlikely it will try to
>establish another connection to the Internet if it thinks it's already
>So, I'm wondering if you have the WAN port plugged into a switch or hub -
>that would make the Airport think it is connected to the Internet.  Make
>sure your local network is connected to the LAN port, not the WAN port.
>Then, in the Internet tab of the Airport Config Utility, select Modem from
>the "Connect Using" menu.  Enter your ISP details and away you go.
>Hope this helps
>> From: Kevin Phyland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 19:34:39 -0700 (PDT)
>> To: WAMUG Mailing List <wamug@wamug.org.au>
>> Subject: Dial-Up Using Airport?
>> Hi every1,
>> This is probably old-hat but I'm a bit stuck trying to connect wirelessly
>> using a new (i.e. unconfigured) Airport Extreme to my dial-up ISP.
>> The Airport Extreme has a phone port to which I connected the phone line.
>> My iBook (G3 - 600 MHz - system 10.3.8) detects a strong signal from the
>> Airport when switched on but insists on telling me I am connected via 
>> Ethernet
>> which I clearly am not.
>> I cannot figure out how to configure the Airport so that it will dial-up my
>> ISP. The software that came with the Airport is a bit old (it keeps asking me
>> to download an update, which I am doing at the moment) but am I just missing
>> something very basic here?
>> I just want to be able to log onto the internet from my office without using
>> the current 50m of phone cable.
>> I have tried Airport Setup Assistant and Airport Admin Utility without 
>> success
>> - it tells me that it cannot detect anything connected to the Airport - and
>> since I haven't been able to dial-up yet it's probably right! :)
>> Cheers,
>> Kevin from wycheproof.
>> P.S. I assume the Airport Extreme contains a modem? Is the problem getting my
>> settings from the iBook's internal modem to the Airport's inbuilt modem?
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