On 25/07/2005, at 7:50 PM, Martin Hill wrote:

I wish Curtin had made it easier for Macs, but our Networks guys were
paranoid about security so went down the proprietary Cisco route back in the days when the insecure WEP standard was pretty much the only other choice. That meant that not only Apple's Airport was not supported but neither were
intel's Centrino and other brand wireless cards.  It sucked frankly.\

Wow... I am surprised that they even bother with encryption at the wireless level. Normally is just creates unneeded overhead on the access points.

After doing some extensive research on the matter, it seems that the best way is to stick the wireless network OUTSIDE your firewall, then use VPN tunnels to get further access. That way, your not loading up your access points and you can support any wireless client.

Then again I'm not a CCNA, so what do I know.

- Matt