Thanks for all the suggestions. It seems that QT7 is the *only* version which runs with Tiger, and it doesn't work! There is no opportunity to reinstall a newer version. So much for the famous Apple software quality and backward compatibility.

I haven't been ale to track down a QT 6 player app yet. I might try to install an older version under Classic, and see if that works.


 > Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem?

 I have a bunch of QTVR movies that I occasionally demonstrate to
 people.  With my new system install, I now have QT 7.0.  My QTVRs do
 not display in QT 7.0.  The display window is present, but it is
 completely transparent.  I can't reinstall QT6.5, because the
 installer recognises that I have a newer version installed.

 I wish I hadn't had my machine rebuilt!


At 2:41 PM +0800 3/8/05, Martin Hill wrote:
G'day Rob,
My old QTVRs from 2000 and earlier are all working under QT 7.  Any QTVRs in
Have you tried running the old Quicktime 6 player application?  You can do
that even with QT 7 installed if you run the old QT 6 Player off a different
volume I have read.  Haven't tried it yet myself though.

I haven't tried the QT 6 reinstaller either.

Hi Rob,

Below is an email from Apple's QTVR discussion list. Apparently there are
lots of problems with QT 7.0 and QTVR, and the QT 7.0.1 upgrade doesn't fix

Don't know if this link will help you:
There are reinstallers other than this one on Apple's website.




Message: 8
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 19:10:34 +0100
From: Ian Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Summary of QT7 problems (was: QT 7 and WWDC)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

On 2 Jun 2005, at 17:32, Scott Doenges wrote:

 I will be attending WWDC again this year.  I'm not positive that I
 will be able to attend this late Friday session, but I will see what I
 can do.

 I have been following the recent QT7 complaint threads on this list,
 and it's been a bit messy.  To better present our complaints to the QT
 engineers, it would be helpful if someone (or multiple someones) could
 succinctly sum up the exact issues we have with QTVR in QT7, that
 should be raised by those attending the WWDC session.

 Thanks, and hope I can help :)


Here is a rough list along with the place i came across the info:

Patrick Cheatham - QTVR MIAM interactivity non-existant until focus
removed from QT player and refocus - Bug ID# 4104099

Ian Wood - object movie interaction is lost until the movie is 100%
downloaded, both in browsers and in QT Player. In addition, in Safari
1.3 on 10.3.9 you don't even get the first frame and the status bar
goes blank giving you a blank space on the page and no indication that
there is something downloading.

Francis Gorge & Rik Workman - exit/enter fullscreen and close window
not working for VRs
1. CloseThisWindow, EnterFullScreen, ExitFullScreen don't work. I think
these all use SendAppMessage under the covers, so it's probably just
one bug.
2. Our sound volume controller no longer works - it uses SetVolumeTo.

Several people - qtl's not working

Several people - flash/sprite buttons not working in MIAMs

Rik's list -
1. ( Bug ID# 4106665) A child movie whose audio is slaved to it's
parent doesn't change volume in response to parent's volume control. (I
referred to this in an earlier post as an issue with the SetVolumeTo
action, which was incorrect.)

2. (Bug ID# 4108263) Using the SendAppMessage wired action in a VR
controller movie to close a window or Enter/Exit Full Screen  no longer
works in QT7. As best I can tell, this is the same problem Francis
Gorge described in an earlier post regarding closethiswindow. Although
you'd probably only use this with skinned movies, it doesn't require a
skin track to make it fail; just a VR.

3. (Bug ID# 4108248.) The ability to write to a text track in an
external movie when using the VR controller does not work. Removing the
VR tracks fixes the problem.

4. (Bug ID# 4108276) The VR cursor while the mouse is down is unchanged
from when the mouse button was depressed. Specifically, no arrow
cursors indicating motion and no hotspot cursors appear when motion
takes the cursor over hotspots.

5. (Bug ID# 4108269) Unable to change Controller type in VR movies in
QT7 Pro. It's necessary to change the movie controller for VR movies to
enable many of the track editing operations. This was useful in
previous versions of QT Pro for adding functionality to VR's, e.g.,
sound tracks.

6. (Bug ID# 4108272) Unlike previous versions of QT, the non-Pro
version of QT7 doesn't allow a wired action to cause the host movie to
be displayed fullscreen. This functionality is enabled in QT7 Pro.

Patrick -
1) (Bug ID# 4104099) When loading a Movie URL directly in QT Player
v.7.0 the movie will open and load fine; a QTVR loaded in as a child
movie will load fine but is unable to be interacted with until you
click out of QT (say to the desktop or another app) and then bring QT
back as the frontmost application.  Once QT is again the active
application, things work as planned -- until another QTVR is loaded in
as a child movie.

Rodolfo Gerstl & Ian Wood - hotspots in VR tracks targeting separate
files to open in the same player instead select the file in the Finder
in QT Player, fine in Safari 1.3 on 10.3.9.

Caroling Geary and others - QT Pro does not allow changing ANY
presentation settings for QTVRs through the GUI
(auto-play/auto-fullscreen/close after/quit after/controller type).
Some settings can be changed via AppleScript, but not the movie
controller, which means no mask overlays or similar editing. Bug ID:
4110664 by Christopher Mackay

Christopher Mackay - Bug ID: 4110672 VR hotspots do not trigger a
cursor change when the mouse is down. Note from Ian - the hotspot title
doesn't appear in the controller bar when viewed in Safari 1.3 when the
mouse is down.

Apple Discussions - Brightness/contrast/color/tint controls in QT Pro
are only available with a Core Image-capable video card, even 'though
the functionality was present on the same machine with QT < 7.

Apple Discussions - AppleScript changes, specifically the default 'Save
As...' is now a self-contained movie rather than a reference movie
(which makes more sense on the whole), but there is no AS command to
save a reference movie - this change breaks all workflows based on
reference movies. At least on 10.3.9 the Script Editor will no longer
record actions in QT Pro.
Related on a more positive note - new commands for QTVRs:
'trigger' hotspot 1 of node 1 of movie 1 (hotspot problems with
external files still happens)
nudge movie 1 direction down left (but it jumps instead of panning and
there is no distance control)
zoom movie 1 direction inward/outward (as with nudge there is no
enter/exit fullscreen have been removed leaving 'present' - I can't yet
see a way of getting out of fullscreen without using GUI scripting. I
suspect that this is related to Bug ID# 4108263 where you can no longer
enter/exit fullscreen with VRs.



Dr Rob Phillips, Educational Designer,    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Room 4.38 Teaching and Learning Centre, Library North Wing
Murdoch University, South St, Murdoch, 6150, Perth, Australia
Phone: +61 8 9360 6054  Mobile: 0416 065 054
Executive Member, Australasian Council on Open, Distance and E-learning (ACODE)
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