Rod wrote:

On 18/08/2005, at 1:53 PM, Mark Secker wrote:


1 small 4 or 8 channel (say behringer) audio mixer with phantom powering to run condenser mikes - like SM58's this is a good thing for a band to have anyway as they can use it (along with a small PA) for small gigs and rehearsals. The mix from the mic or mics can then be sent directly to the iMacs audio in port or in to an external analog to digital converter and split (if needed) in to left and right or as two or more separate tracks in Gararge Band) A cheaper s/h "old school" mixer without phantom powering is still good as you can pick up Berhinger Mic100 preamps (which will phantom power and run basic level managment and limiting on one mic each) for around $100.

I can heartedly recommend the Behringer Eurorack UB802:


Sounds like exactly what Rhonda is looking for. And I (luckily) picked mine up from a seller on for a paltry $60 :-) Music Park retail them for $132 inc GST, but I'm sure you could shop around for less.


I dont want to seem a wet blanket but a friend of mine who sells mixing gear at a large music store tells me that 7 out of 10 mixers returned for warranty are behringers.

There are similar mixers at similar prices so dont fret ;)

Good luck