On Mon, 2005-09-05 at 22:56 +0800, Shay Telfer wrote:

> Free content management systems that are around are
> MySource: <http://mysource.squiz.net/>
> Zope: <http://www.zope.org/>
> PostNuke: 
> <http://www.postnuke.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Navigation&file=index>

I also know of Plone (based on Zope), Mambo, and Drupal. There are
probably many more.

Note that depending on what you want, a web CMS may be overkill. It also
introduces more security concerns than a static site does. Have you
considered approaches like building the site from more basic content
using a script?

It's hard to know if a CMS is actually the right answer, or if your web
designer just wants to hit every problem with the CMS hammer, without
knowing your needs.

Craig Ringer